There has never been a better time to get involved with the work of the Green Party. Any help you can give us, from a regular donation to work on the doorstep, will make a real difference to getting Greens elected in Camden and working for a fairer, cleaner, more affordable future for everyone.
Our elections are run entirely by volunteers, and the more of us get involved, the better we’ll do. Whether you have a few hours a month, or a spare day every week, we need you.
Help deliver newsletters
We make regular deliveries of newsletters and other material to support our campaigning and build relationships with our local communities. Help is always appreciated.
Come to an action day
We hold action days to bring as many volunteers together as possible for a big push to keep us on track.
Put up a poster
Displaying a poster in your window is a great way to help the campaign for more Greens in London.
Help with data entry and back-office work
Help the team that keeps our records up to date and helps us target our resources most effectively at election time.