Camden Green Party is run entirely by volunteers. We are a grassroots party made up of people who are passionate about green politics and making a difference.
Our officers and campaigners play a key role in supporting our candidates for election campaigns and in planning the wider activity of the local party.
Here are some of Camden Green Party’s core team, starting with our Green councillor, Lorna Jane Russell:

Lorna Jane Russell

Alice Brown

James Dicker

brigitte Ascher

Helen Doyle
Cllr Lorna Jane Russell’s surgeries are held at the Holly Lodge Community Centre, 30 Makepeace Avenue, London N6 6HL from 11am – 12noon every third OR fourth Saturday of the month. You can also contact her at
Lorna’s 2025 surgery dates are:
Saturday 18th January
Saturday 22nd February
Saturday 22nd March
Saturday 19th April
Saturday 24th May
Saturday 28th June
Saturday 19th July
Saturday 20th September
Saturday 18th October
Saturday 15th November
Saturday 20th December
There will be no surgery in August